Tag Archives: performance

“An Arcade Project” by Elise Nuding

12 Nov

We are glad to announce the upcoming performances of “An Arcade Project” – a site-responsive dance performance choreographed by Elise Nuding. Nuding’s practice and methodology are informed by training as an archaeologist, archival researcher and a professional dancer. “An Arcade Project” marks the culmination of her unique line of research inquiry into the possibilities for lived heritage as a mode of performance. From Elise:

Dear friends and colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the performances of “An Arcade Project”, the placed-based choreographic work I have been developing over the last few months in collaboration with five dancers. The performances will take place on Friday 18th November at approximately 11:30am-12:30pm and Saturday 19th November at approximately 10:30am-11:30am (rain or shine). They will occur in and around the Providence Arcade, which is located at 65 Weybosset Street and 130 Westminster Street. As there is not a formal beginning or end to the performances, you should feel free to arrive at the time that is convenient for you and stay for as long as you wish.

In addition to the flyer attached, more information about “An Arcade Project” can be found at the project blog:


I hope to see you at the performances!